who is carlos cANO
Conchita Alvarez (life partner)
April 2021
he is a pair of eyes and hands that tell stories.
He's a way of living, just like life lasted one day.
a life connected to light organizing its functions and actions based on cycles of brightness, shadow and darkness; forgetting any pretext he may have to do what it's on his mind and heart, putting all his time into it.
someone who with his everyday life, creates and cultivates love, peace, happiness and fullness.
someone who marvels with the small things, just like you see them for the first time.
the one who plays with cameras, lenses and brushes, like a kid, just for the love of color.
carlos jurado (master)
June 2001
carlos cano arrived more than 20 years ago to xalapa, like a student in the plastic arts workshops of the Veracruz university, at a time when his vocation was not completely defined. What was evident was that talent that came from his pores. Shortly after his admission, he won first place at the Aguascalientes festival with a painting, with a painting that already suggested his photographic inclinations. gradually Carlos Cano was tending to use the dark box as the main element of communication and artistic creation of him. In a beginning, he built himself a cardboard camera without a lens with which he achieved transcendent images; which were widely known and can be considered a classic of Mexican photography.
As a result of the founding of the free workshops of Plastic Arts of the Veracruzana University in the Port of Veracruz, Carlos Cano took charge of the photography workshop and later the coordination of them. A position in which he remained for 15 years during which he fulfilled his mission as a teacher. Having countless young people who under his guidance and teachings from him today are emerging as excellent photographers and professionals. As a professional Carlos Cano has reached a very high level, especially in the management of color, His images, regardless of their technical impatience and formal perfection, are above all the vision of a true artist who every day offers us to share it, the beauty that he with his eyes and heart, he is able to grasp.
karla paola granados ortiz
October 2004
Veracaruzano photographer by adoption. Carlos Cano Jiménez is the classic example that beauty lies in the artist's eye. The shots of him are so aesthetic that he takes everything he observes to the realm of the sublime. Today he is one of the most recognized in this discipline. The lens and the brush of the also painter have a predilection for the urban and rural landscape and the portrait of people and their customs.
Thanks to his outstanding technique in photography, his works have been published in Mexican magazines such as Tierra Adentro, Revista de la Galería, Vía Libre, Revista del Museo de Arte Moderno, and México Desconocido.